Dennis Al Baihaqi Walangadi
Top 10 List of Week 03
dnswd --- Jakarta

Top 10 List of Week 03

  1. Linux File Permission Cheatsheet (Cheatsheet)
    I, personally, still can’t quite grasp the idea of file permissions in Linux. This cheatsheet helps me know which permission do I need and how I mix them in octal. This is a must-have bookmark if you still unfamiliar with Linux permission like me. This is a very handy dandy link to bookmark for future reference.

  2. Introduction to Archive Formats and File Compression on Linux (Article & Video)
    This article talks about the difference between tar, gzip, xz, bzip2, and how to use them. The article also explains steps to use them from creating an archive, compressing it, and deflating the compressed archive. This article is worth to bookmark in case of brain fart.

  3. Disk Formats and When to Use Them (Article)
    This article explains about difference between different Disk Formats and which OS supports them. The article also explains about partition checking, formatting disks on linux usinf mkfs, and mounting disks on Linux. I think this article is interesting and useful to read especially if you haven’t understand this week material.

  4. Generic print on nix machines (Repo)
    This project allows you to use generic print program in linux machine. This is practically useful if you already familiar with Python’s print() or JS’s console.log(), the source code is available for you to learn how printf or fprintf works. This can also be used to simplify your work if you still don’t have courage to use printf commands on Linux.

  5. Awesome FUSE Filesystem (Repo)
    This is a list of resources related to FUSE file systems. From articles, libraries, language implementations, and other kind of things related to FUSE Filesystem. This might be useful as a fitire reference for later OS211 weeks.

  6. Develop your own filesystem with FUSE – No kernel programming required (Article)
    This srticle shows you how to unpack, build, and install your own Filesystem. The article also shows you how to customize the filesystem, in this case the article uses AFS (Andrew Filesystem) as an example. This article is short and dense, but it’s so informative and straightforward.

  7. Fantastic Dotfiles and How to Utilize Them (Article)
    This series of article explains about dotfiles on unix systems and how to utilize them to increase productivity and making you comfortable using your “tools-of-choices”. The article has 6 sub-articles that dives deep into usage of these hidden files. From your shell configuration, aliases, git, even vim.

  8. Maximizing Disk Cache Performance for Speeed (QnA)
    This is possible quite dangerous as it is more likely to lose data. But this is interesting on how we can load parts of the machine and the system into the RAM and maximize your machine’s speed. Impractical, but curious. wHo nEeDs aN sSd aNywAy.

  9. Linux Filesystems - Optimized for Humans (Video)
    This video explains very well about linux filesystem. The video creator also keeping the video friendly for windows user migrating to linux. This video should be part of OS211 because he explains linux filesystem very well, especially since most of the students are Windows users.

  10. fscrypt - securing your machine with filesystem-level encryption
    Linux apparently have built-in filesystem built-in into the Linux kernel. How cool is that!? In case you don’t know how this is important, fscrypt allows you to locks a folder or veen a drive with a passphrase. The content inside the locked drive/folder are encrypted so it stays secure. Similar to Window’s Bitlocker and Veracrypt. This is so cool and useful!

That’s all for this week folks, have a nice day!

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